Dentistry & maxillofacial surgery

The Health of oral cavity is regarded as a window to systemic health. That why oral care is most important. Good oral health allows a person to lead a quality life in terms comfort of eating, engaging in social interaction and increases one’s self esteem.
Lifeline Hospital Offer’s Complete Oral and Dental Care under one roof T/t offered.

1. Restoration of Cavities
2. Scaling and Polishing
3. Bleaching
4. Crown and Veneers
5. Removable Partial Dentures
6. Fixed Partial Dentures
7. Cast Partial Dentures
8. Complete Dentures
9. Extraction and Removal of Impacted Tooth
10. Complete Oral Care of Kids
11. Root Canal Treatment
12. Post and Core
13. Full Mouth Rehabilitation
14. Orthodontic Correction of Malocclusion